Site Project ApS Apps

Mathinary math
Math topics carefully written to make it easyto understand math, calculators that give explanations andintermediate results, and a collection of formulas. Does notrequire network access.Mathinary is a powerful educational math tool for students andparents who help their children with math.Mathinary contains formulas, explanations and calculators. Thecalculators give explanations, intermediate results and finalresults. The calculators are simulating how a person wouldcalculate the result, by showing every step of the calculationincluding descriptions.The topics in Mathinary are described with text, which has beencarefully written to avoid difficult words, and making it simplefor students and their parents to understand math.Mathinary is an invaluable app for children in school, theirparents and others who needs help with math or those who just wantsto freshen up their knowledge.Mathinary is concentrated on math in school from the 5th to thetenth grade, but is also covering topics used in highereducations.Topics covered:* PLANE GEOMETRYAnnulus, circle, circle sector, circle segment, lines and points,parabola, parallelogram, polygon, quadrilateral, rectangle,rhombus, square, trapezoid, triangle, unit circle, vectors* SOLIDSCone, frustum cone, cylinder, parallelepiped, prism, pyramid,frustum pyramid, sphere* CONVERSIONSArea, currency, degrees and radians, length, scale, speed, timeperiods, time units, volume* FINANCEAnnuity loan, annuity savings, currency conversion, future value,percentage, value added tax* Numbers & AlgebraAddition - long, binary numeral system, divisibility rules,division – long, exponents, fractions, linear equation,multiplication – long, order of operations, parentheses, quadraticequation, roman numerals, roots, sets of numbers, simplification,subtraction –long* FunctionsExponential functions, inversely proportional function, linearfunction, power function, proportional function, quadraticfunction* Probability & statisticsBinomial distribution, charts, combinatorics, observations,probability, set theory* TablesFractions / least common denominator, multiplication 10x10,multiplication 12x12, multiplication 20x20* Math gamesMultiplication game, order of operations gameThe developers can be contacted within the app, in the section“ABOUT” and then “Contact us”
Formler og "regnemaskiner", der visermellemregninger.Med app´en "Regneregler" får du hjælp til dagligdagens matematik,og du kan genopfriske dine matematikkundskaber med en hurtigoversigt over formler og begreber.En uundværlig app for elever, forældre, håndværkere og alle andre -uanset niveau - da den både kan bruges som opslagsværk og somhjælp/støtte med forklaringer til selve udregningerne.App´en tager udgangspunkt i undervisningen i grundskolen, menrummer også mange emner, der bruges på gymnasiale uddannelser elleri erhvervslivet.Teksterne er skrevet, så de er let forståelige. Vores mål er, atalle skal kunne være med - uanset niveau.App'en indeholder også en matematisk ordbog over matematiskebegreber.* GeometriSe geometriske figurer, formler og regn på blandt andet arealer,vinkler og meget andet.* RumgeometriSe rumgeometriske figurer, formler og regn blandt andet pårumfang.* OmregningerOmregn imellem grader og radianer, hastighed, længde, arealer,rumfang, målestoksforhold og tidsenheder.* FinansLæs om lånetyper og beregn terminer, procenter og omregn valutaeller beregn moms.* Tal og algebraLøs ligninger, regn med brøker eller dividér, gang, læg sammeneller træk fra.Se også reglerne for parenteser, potenser, rødder og rækkefølgen afregnearterne.* Statistik og sandsynlighedLær om diagrammer, mængdelære, observationer, kombinatorik ogsandsynligheder.* FunktionerLær om de forskellige typer funktioner og beregn eller tegn dem ivores tegnemaskine.* SpilTræn den lille tabel eller regnearternes rækkefølge.* TabellerSe "den lille" eller "den store" tabel.Regneregler app'en er lavet af Site Project ApS, der også står baghjemmesiden regneregler.dkFormulas and"calculators" that show intermediate results.With the app "Calculation rules" to get help for everyday math, andyou can refresh your math skills with a quick summary of formulasand concepts.An indispensable app for students, parents, builders and everyoneelse - at any level - as it can be used both as a reference andhelp / support with a description of the calculations.The app is based on teaching in primary school, but also containsmany items used in secondary education or in business.The texts are written so that they are easily understood. Our goalis that everyone shall have the opportunity - at any level.The app also contains a mathematical dictionary of mathematicalconcepts.* GeometrySee geometric figures, formulas and rain in, among other areas,angles and much more.* Solid geometrySee rumgeometriske figures, formulas and rain among othervolumes.* ConversionsConvert between degrees and radians, speed, length, area, volume,scale and timing devices.* FinanceRead about loan types and calculate dates, rates and convertcurrency or calculate VAT.* Numbers and algebraSolve equations, calculating with fractions or divider, once puttogether or move on.See also the rules of brackets, powers, roots and order of rainspecies.* Statistics and ProbabilityLearn about diagrams, set theory, observations, combinatorics andprobability.* FeaturesLearn about the different types of functions and calculate or drawthem into our drawing machine.* PlayTrain the small table or rain species order.* TablesSee the "small" or "large" table.Mathinary app is made by Site Project ApS, which is also behind thewebsite